How to Stay in Shape This Summer

How to Stay in Shape This Summer

People struggle to keep up with their fitness in summer as soaring temperatures and heat wave conditions make their bodies vulnerable to dehydration and other diseases.

Even a simple exercise routine seems like a tedious task.

If you feel the same, you have been doing it all wrong. Certain exercises and food choices can boost healthy living in warm temperatures.

Here are a few tips to keep you in shape during summer:

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Change in season calls for change in your diet. Drink plenty of water and go for food items rich in water content.

It helps cool your body and provides essential vitamins and minerals that your body loses in the heat during the summer. Some popular food choices for summer are:

  • Fruits such as watermelon, mangoes, and berries
  • Unsweetened curd
  • Leafy vegetables and cucumber
  • Fresh juices
  • Coconut water

A woman drinking water outdoors

Go for Summer Workouts

Don’t keep running in the heat and expect to stay fit.

You must pick a suitable workout that doesn’t drain your energy for the summer months.

Swimming, brisk walking, and cycling are great ways to keep you active and shed weight quickly. You can even go hiking; a break from the modern city life refreshes you like no other activity.

Limit Caffeine Intake

Coffee can charge you in the morning but leave you dehydrated quickly.

If possible, reduce the amount you take, especially during hot weather. Plain water or fresh juices are a great substitute.

Light and Loose Clothing

It is best to wear breathable and lightweight clothing in the summer to regulate your body temperature in the hot sun.

Choose light fabrics for everyday use.

 A boy wearing loose clothing lying on the beach

Stay Indoor

It is better to restrict outdoor activities to the cooler part of the day, such as before 11 am or after 5 pm.

By doing so, you can save energy for other home chores.

Be Mindful of Summer Diseases

Summer brings various health problems ranging from simple headaches, rashes, sunburns, etc., to severe ones like heat stroke, measles, jaundice, and more.

It would help if you took necessary preventive measures against such diseases.

You can avoid them by:

  • Lather on sunscreen whenever you leave home
  • Take a water bottle along to stay hydrated
  • Wear light clothing
  • Use wet towels for the face and body or take a shower when possible
  • Store food in a cool place

Are You Struggling to Get Fit? Contact FastDocNow

Summer is about having fun with your loved ones. But it’s also important to stay healthy and active to ensure you can avoid all sorts of illnesses.

If you find it hard to stay fit or need some medical advice about your health conditions, consult our physicians at FastDocNow.

We offer online healthcare services and lab testing for people who prefer to be tested from the comfort of their homes. Contact us today!


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