What is a Vaginal Yeast Infection? | Symptoms, Signs, and Causes

What is a Vaginal Yeast Infection - Symptoms, Signs, and Causes

What is a Vaginal Yeast Infection - Symptoms, Signs, and Causes

A vaginal yeast infection being a fungal infection affects the soft tissues of the vaginal entrance called the vulva, resulting in discomfort, discharge, and severe itching. Candida, a kind of yeast present in your body, promotes vaginal yeast infections, thus, known as vaginal candidiasis for the very reason. Studies show that almost 3 out of 4 women will have a vaginal yeast infection, also known as vaginal candidiasis, at a certain stage in life. Before menopause and following puberty, they are most prevalent. This type of infection is frequent and relatively curable, although some circumstances might increase your chance of getting a chronic one and typically require more aggressive treatments.


There are no issues when this yeast is in equilibrium in your system. However, if this yeast balance gets disturbed, it develops quickly and may trigger a yeast infection.

Your risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection may increase due to specific conditions. Among which are:

  • Taking contraception prescriptions or birth control pills that increase the estrogen level
  • Antibiotics and steroids
  • Pregnancy
  • Suffering an illness that impairs your immune system
  • Uncontrolled diabetes and sugar level
    Several lifestyle choices may impact your chances of developing a vaginal yeast infection, like:
  • Wearing a damp swimming suit while seated for long
    Continuing to wear sweaty clothing
  • Utilizing perfumed feminine products or similar vaginal hygienic products


The signs and symptoms of a yeast infection are comparable to those that people experience when they have an STI or another type of vaginal infection. To get examined, you may associate with FASTDOCNOW to get Online Consultation for Vaginal Yeast Infection with the best doctors in town if you have any of these indications. The most frequent signs of a yeast infection vary in severity and include the following:

Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms

  • Inflammation and itching in the vulva or vaginal area
  • A burning and intense pain, especially while having intercourse
  • Burning sensation during urination
  • Swollen and reddened vulva
  • Pain and discomfort in the vagina
  • Vaginal rash
  • Although not common, thick, white, odorless discharge from the vagina seems as an indication of infections. This factor may lead to obvious symptoms. Having a vaginal yeast infection can alter the fluid of the vaginal discharge and make the area surrounding your vagina itchy and inflammatory.

Complicated Indications

A complex yeast infection could be present if you exhibit significant diagnostic signs and symptoms, such as:

  • An excessive amount of erythema, swelling, and irritation that causes cuts, blisters, or rupture of the vagina
    Frequent yeast infections, four or more every year
  • A less-occurring form of fungus is the source of your condition.
  • Being pregnant
  • Your diabetes is not in check.
  • Your immune system compromises as a result of specific drugs or health issues like being infected with HIV.

Which variables put a woman at a greater risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection?

Which variables put a woman at a greater risk of developing a vaginal yeast infection

There are various causes for this, involving:

  • Taking antibiotics that increase your estrogen level

When you use these antibiotics to cure ailments in your body, the benefiting bacteria in your vagina get killed. The yeast stays in control by the good bacteria. Lacking the beneficial bacteria alters the balance, which causes an outbreak of yeast.

  • Hormonal imbalance and pregnancy

Anything that changes or interferes with your hormones might throw off the delicate proportion of candida in the vagina. It involves being pregnant, having birth control medications, and going through typical menstrual cycle variations.

  • Uncontrolled diabetes (sugar levels):

The microbes in your urine get affected by elevated blood sugar levels.

  • Weakened immunity of the body

If you are living with a condition like HIV or AIDS, your treatments may cause your immune system to become weak. Furthermore, cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy might impair your immune system.

When to go to the doctor?

Schedule a visit with your healthcare provider or bring the doctor home by getting treated readily at home with the virtual assistance of online consultation for vaginal yeast infection.

  • You have never had signs of a yeast infection before
  • You are uncertain if you are experiencing a yeast infection.
  • Despite using an over-the-counter antifungal vaginal ointment or suppositories, your symptoms continue to persist
  • You start to experience new symptoms

Treatment options

Solutions for vaginal yeast infection include:

  • Antifungal medication, such as fluconazole as per prescription
  • Over-the-counter medication
  • Various creams and suppositories for the vaginal area, either with or without a doctor’s note

However, indications that continue even after caring with over-the-counter drugs require further examination.

Nevertheless, you may acquire the medical care needed with a physician’s online assessment. Do not fret! You will get an equal amount of satisfaction as an in-person check-up. Did you know that 98% of patients who received online medical advice have expressed contentment? So, get your online treatment for vaginal yeast infection now and save time and expense while given solutions at your comfort.
