4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Take Flu Lightly

4 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Take Flu Lightly

Flu is often perceived as a common disease that you can encounter at any time of the year—it usually happens in the transition of seasons from warm to cold or vice versa. While flu is pretty common in our country—there are several reasons why it must not always be taken lightly. So what is the right time to consult online doctor services?

Flu is likely to cause a mild to high fever, plenty of body pain, lots of coughs, and a sore throat. The general perception is to let it heal on itself—but it doesn’t always work.

Flu normally tends to last 5–7 days. If it doesn’t, and you feel the common symptoms of fever and body aches have gone worse—you should immediately see a doctor or schedule an online consultation visit.

a girl wiping her nose with a tissue

Symptoms of Influenza

The most common symptoms of flu are:

· Mild to High fever

· Runny Nose

· Shortness of Breath

· Sore Throat and Dry Cough

· Severe Body Aches

· Body Weakness

While these symptoms tend to go away if you stay warm and drink a lot of fluids—there is always a danger of complications that should instantly be reported to online health services.

Very old adults and infants often encounter severe symptoms that may get worse later on. They are also vulnerable to breathing issues and severe flu complications.

Why Flu Must Not Be Taken Lightly

Following are some of the severe complications that can be caused by flu:


Pneumonia is a common and seriously dangerous complication of the influenza virus. It is a lung infection that can cause severe illness and shortness of breath in individuals of all ages.

Pneumonia is the major cause of death among children aged five or under. According to a report from 2017, pneumonia was the cause of death for over 800,000 children in the year.

Severe Body Aches

One of the major symptoms of flu is severe body pain, especially in the head. This pain links to the other part of the skull, heavily affecting your senses of sight, taste, and smell.

People prone to headaches or migraines may suffer a great deal when contacted with the influenza virus.

Weakens Your Body Strength

Flu makes your body feel weak and numb, rendering you unable to perform simple tasks of everyday life. You may constantly be vomiting as well, which affects your strength.

 High Risk of Heart Attack

Flu causes constant pressure on your chest and abdomen, increasing the chances of heart attack among people with a cardiac issue.

a sick woman taking medicine

Contact Your Virtual Doctor at FastDocNow

While we suggest getting your flu checked up by a healthcare professional—it’s always a safer option to stay at home and prevent the virus from spreading. This is where the role of online medical care comes into play.

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