Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Men

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction in Men

Sexual arousal in men involves physical and psychological stimulation, which involves the brain, emotions, hormones, blood vessels, and muscles. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or maintain enough erection for sexual intercourse due to a problem with any of these.

ED is a very common sexual health problem for men. As per research, men can experience symptoms of ED as early as puberty, but the common age for people who experience ED is over 40. Let’s look at some of the probable causes of ED and risk factors that increase the chances of ED in men.

Physical Causes

Usually, ED is caused by a physical cause in men. These causes include:

  • Heart disease
  • Atherosclerosis(Blocked blood vessels)
  • High cholesterol
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes(Type 2 usually)
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Obesity
  • Parkinson’s disease
  • MS (Multiple sclerosis)
  • Specific prescription medications
  • Smoking
  • Peyronie’s disease
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol or drug abuse
  • Sleep disorders
  • Cancer treatments (especiallyfor prostate cancer)
  • Trauma or injury to the spinal cord or the pelvic area
  • Surgeries in or near the spinal cord
  • Low testosterone

Psychological Causes

The psychological aspect plays a vital role in maintaining a man’s sexual health. The brain is the key to triggering a response that arouses a person and starts an erection and sexual excitement. However, if your brain is preoccupied with other things or other feelings interfere with your sexual desires, you might not be able to get or maintain an erection.

Psychological causes of ED include:

  • Mental health disorders (anxiety, depression, etc)
  • Stress
  • Relationship problems with your partner

Doctors’ Recommendation to Avoid ED

As men get older, their chances of developing ED increase. Some healthy habits can reduce these chances and allow men to continue enjoying their sex life. These include:

Cutting Down on Tobacco and Alcohol

Tobacco restricts the blood flow in the veins and arteries and can cause blockages that result in less blood flowing into your penis. Excessive alcohol also causes chronic health conditions that can contribute to ED.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial, not only for ED but for your overall health as well. Overweight people have excess fat in their bodies which are deposited in the blood vessels. Over time, these blood vessels can become blocked and result in ED.

Manage Stress

Doctors recommend managing stress to avoid several health problems, including ED. Get adequate sleep, maintain a good relationship with your partner, try to be calm and relaxed, try and elevate your mood, etc.

A doctor providing online consultation

If you experience problems with getting or maintaining erections, make sure you consult a medical professional. If you’re not comfortable visiting a clinic or a hospital, talk to an online doctor today!

FastDocNow is an online healthcare service and has a panel of virtual doctors that provide consultation for men’s sexual health problems, including erectile dysfunction (ED). Moreover, we also offer virtual medical consultations for STDs, including gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and more. Reach out to us today for more information.




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