How Do Online Medical Visits Actually Work?

How Do Online Medical Visits Actually Work?

Providing convenience has become a major part of new business models. Consumers have grown used to getting all sorts of products and services being accessible in their homes and medical services are no different. With over 81% of Americans owning a smartphone, online healthcare services are a growing phenomenon.

However, people are usually confused about how these virtual medical visits work. So, if you’re feeling any symptoms or you think you need to consult a doctor for a health condition, here are the steps to getting a medical consultation at FastDocNow, followed by things you can do to get the most out of that appointment.

Getting a Virtual Medical Appointment

Step 1

Go to the “How We Can Help” section on our website and choose from the three different services we offer, online doctor’s visit, lab testing and imaging or prescription refills. When you choose the online doctor’s visit, you’ll be presented with many different medical conditions. These include chronic illnesses like asthma or diabetes, or others like infections, STDs, and psychiatric conditions.

Step 2

Choose the medical condition you’re facing. For example if you have a cold or flu, find that in the list and either select the “Learn More” option to further clarify your symptoms or directly choose the “Start Consultation” option to go to the next step.

Step 3

After agreeing to the consent form you will be required to complete another form with all your symptoms and medical history. It’s advised to always be honest about your medical conditions with a doctor.

Step 4

Once you’re done filling out the information you will be redirected to the checkout page where you will have to fill out all your personal details followed by the payment. Once you’re done with the payment, a doctor will review your details and contact you within an hour.

Making the Most of Your Online Doctor Visits

Doctor holding a stethoscope

Make a List

It’s still advised to make a list of things you want to ask a doctor. Most of the time, the patients lose their train of thought and get confused about what they want to ask.

Ensure A Quiet Setting

It’s helpful to talk to your doctor without any background noise or distractions. This makes it easier to concentrate on what they’re saying and follow the measures they’re telling you about.

Good Internet Connection

It’s understandable that sometimes a good internet connection isn’t available but to get the best possible result out of your virtual appointment, a decent internet connection is required.

At FastDocNow you have access to a wide range of medical services. Our doctors are experts from the industry with decades of experience. We provide medical consultation for chlamydia, gonorrhea, genital herpes, and other STDs. You can even get strep throat and pink eye treatments from us.

That’s not all—we’ve partnered with at-home lab testing services across the country, so you can get an appointment and one of the experts can collect a sample and send you the result in a few days.

So what are you waiting for? Head over to our website today.


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