How Hypertension Affects a Person’s Life

How Hypertension Affects a Person’s Life

Hypertension is when a person’s blood pressure levels are higher than normal. Normal blood pressure in humans is around 120/80 mm Hg. Anything over 120 on top and 80 on the bottom is considered elevated blood pressure.

Hypertension is a chronic condition, and there’s no cure for it. It can affect a person’s life drastically because, if not treated, it can lead to several other medical conditions. Let’s take a look at it here.

Can Damage Arteries

Arteries are strong, flexible, and elastic generally. The inner layer of the arteries is smooth, allowing the blood to flow freely and reach every organ without any problem. When a person has hypertension, the blood pressure increases, which can damage the inner layer of the arteries.

The artery walls become less elastic and limit the blood flow. Moreover, a bulge, called an aneurysm, can form inside the arteries when high blood pressure damages an artery wall significantly and it swells. Aneurysms require urgent medical attention as they can potentially rupture, which is a life-threatening condition.

Can Damage the Heart

Hypertension can also result in a number of health problems. Narrowed and non-elastic, non-flexible arteries can result in coronary artery disease. The heart also has to pump extra blood and work extra due to high blood pressure, which could result in an enlarged left heart.

Over time, the strain on the heart can cause the heart to fail complexly, resulting in complete heart failure.

Can Damage the Brain

Hypertension can also cause damage to a person’s brain. A brief disruption of blood flow to the brain causes a mini-stroke, known as a transient ischemic attack (TIA). TIA is often a sign of a complete stroke and needs immediate medical attention. Getting TIA before a complete stroke isn’t a guarantee. If the blood supply is disrupted for a longer period, a complete stroke can occur as well.

Can Cause Sexual Dysfunction

Hypertension can cause men to develop erectile dysfunction. ED is when a person fails to maintain an erection or even get one. The majority of men already develop ED as they age. However, hypertension increases the chances because of limited blood flow due to high blood pressure.

Women also experience sexual dysfunction because of hypertension. Reduced blood flow to the genital area can decrease sexual desire or the ability to orgasm.

A doctor checking a patient’s blood pressure

Hypertension has severe consequences if not treated early. If you suffer from hypertension, you need to see a doctor immediately and follow up with them to stay healthy. If you cannot visit a doctor, you can consult an online doctor now!

FastDocNow is an online healthcare service. We have a panel of virtual doctors that can provide consultation for hypertension, as well as a lot of other medical problems. Our sexual health specialists also provide virtual medical consultations for STDs. Get in touch with us now for more details.

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