How Insomnia Affects Your Daily Life

How Insomnia Affects Your Daily Life

Losing sleep occasionally over nervousness or excitement of an event the next day or having your coffee a bit late at night is not a cause of concern. However, if you consistently fail to maintain a healthy sleep cycle, you may have insomnia.

Insomnia may not sound like a significant problem, but it can be life-threatening in the long run and deteriorate your overall health rapidly. Let’s take a look at how insomnia affects a person’s daily life.

A person with their head down in front of a laptop

How Insomnia Affects Your Body

Without adequate sleep and rest, your body functions are affected adversely. A person may feel sluggish and tired if they have insomnia. Insomnia also increases the chances of:

Heart Conditions and Blood-Related Problems

Although the human heart umps 24/7, it still needs to rest, which happens when you sleep. Not getting adequate sleep can increase the risk of heart conditions, and other blood-related conditions, like hypertension, low blood pressure, and stroke, where blood flow to the brain is interrupted.

Weakened Immune System

Lack of adequate sleep means your body has less time to replace the cells that fight off foreign infections and keep you healthy. According to a study, getting less than the recommended 7 hours of sleep increases a person’s chance of catching the flu by three times.


Not getting enough sleep can also affect a person’s metabolism. Your metabolism slows down, meaning the body takes more time to turn calories into energy, making you gain weight.

A person lying on the bed, unable to sleep

How Insomnia Affects You Mentally

Lack of sleep not only affects you physically but also affects your brain functions. This can cause:

Mood Swings

You may start experiencing mood swings that range from very happy to very sad or angry all of a sudden, or vice versa. You might face problems keeping up with your professional and social life and maintaining healthy relationships.


Depression is a classified mental illness, and insomnia can be a reason for developing it. If you have insomnia, you might already be experiencing problems with your social life. Staying up at night can cause you to stress over your day and spiral into depression, which needs medical assistance from a professional doctor.

If you have insomnia and find it hard to get enough sleep, consult a doctor today. If you can’t visit the clinic, consult a virtual doctor!

FastDocNow offers telehealth services in Dallas. We have a panel of doctors that can treat your insomnia. We also have specialists that provide online consultation about STDs, like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and treatment for other conditions, like diabetes, Ed, and more. Reach out to our team now to know more about our services, or book your appointment today!

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