How to Manage Erectile Dysfunction?

How to Manage Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction is when an individual has trouble maintaining an erection. This condition is prevalent amongst men and often occurs in individuals who are obese, older, experience anxiety or stress, have health conditions, etc. The treatment of this condition relies on the cause.

Although prescribed medications can help, lifestyle changes are a natural approach to improving erectile dysfunction. If you’re looking for ways to manage erectile dysfunction, here are some tips from our virtual doctors.

Eat a Balanced Diet

The most effective way to improve your body’s sexual functioning is to consume a balanced diet. A balanced diet offers your body all the vital nutrients, vitamins, etc., it needs for proper functioning. The aim is to ensure you consume fruits, legumes, vegetables, fish, etc.

So, to improve your ED naturally, start following a balanced diet.

Plenty of Exercises

 A man jogging

Research shows that daily physical activity can improve and prevent erectile dysfunction. Regular exercise can also help alleviate erectile dysfunction if inactivity, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases contribute to this condition.

A study shows that engaging in a 40-minute long moderate to intense aerobic workout, four times a week for almost six months, eased erectile dysfunction. This is because physical activity can boost cardiovascular health, and testosterone levels, and decrease stress, helping with ED. Some helpful exercises include:

  • Swimming
  • Running
  • Cycling
  • Skiing
  • Brisk walking

Improve Your Sleep

A good sleeping routine is crucial for your body’s overall health. A poor sleeping schedule or insufficient sleep can put you at risk of erectile dysfunction. However, if you get enough sleep regularly, you can improve your erectile dysfunction.

Moreover, various studies indicate individuals experiencing sleep disorders have higher risks of erectile dysfunction. The simplest way to alleviate this condition is by ensuring you get enough sleep.

Lack of sleep can decrease your testosterone levels, contributing to erectile dysfunction. So, ensure you get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep regularly.

Consider Shedding a Few Pounds

Did you know weight can be a contributing factor in erectile dysfunction? According to research, erectile dysfunction is more prevalent in overweight or obese men. Try shedding a few pounds as this will improve your erectile dysfunction, and boost your overall body functioning.

Do you need help to alleviate your erectile dysfunction? FastDocNow can help you out.

At FastDocNow, we take pride in offering online healthcare services. Thanks to our virtual doctors, we offer our patients expert consultations at home. Our online doctors can help ease your erectile dysfunction.

Reach out to us to schedule a consultation with our online doctors.

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