Did you know that more than 20% of the people in the US suffer from constipation? This results in around 8 million doctor visits and treatment every year.

In some cases, it occurs because of eating a certain food item, otherwise, it’s a recurring condition for many. Factors such as eating habits, medications, or any medical condition, can lead to constipation.

However, if you’re in pain and unable to carry on with the day because of constipation, here’s a list of natural ways you can use to treat constipation. Make a doctor visit and take medical consultation if the condition worsens.

Water Intake

Dehydration is the leading cause of constipation. On average, every person must drink 8 glasses of water every day. However, a person suffering from constipation must ensure adequate water intake.

Although normal water works fine, studies show that drinking sparkling water can be more effective and provide instant relief. This has worked for people suffering from indigestion or dyspepsia.

Keep in mind that consuming carbonated drinks may have adverse effects if you’re suffering from constipation.

High Fiber Intake

Fiber enhances the consistency of bowel movements which make digestion easier and prevents constipation.

A review in 2016 found that fiber supplements helped 77% of people suffering from chronic constipation.

Make sure to consume the right type of dietary fiber, otherwise it’ll worsen constipation. Non-fermentable soluble fibers are highly recommended for relief from constipation.

Exercise Regularly

Exercising is overall good for your health as it boosts your metabolism and maintains your body shape.

Since most of the diseases occur due to poor lifestyle, go for regular walks, swimming classes, and cycling to maintain a healthy routine.

It’s been known that exercising can reduce the symptoms of constipation.

Caffeine Intake

Too much of everything is harmful, but a specific caffeine intake is beneficial for your health. Coffee is known to stimulate the muscles in the digestive system and can reduce symptoms of constipation.

A study shows that caffeinated coffee is 60% more efficient for digestion as compared to water.

Caffeine also comprises fibers that improve the balance of gut bacteria.

Probiotic Intake

Probiotic supplements prevent chronic constipation. Although probiotics exist naturally in the gut, probiotic supplements are consumed to increase their levels for proper digestion.

Eating probiotic foods helps with the imbalance of bacteria in the gut. A 2019 review found that that consistency in probiotic intake can increase stool frequency and consistency.

Avoid Dairy Intake

Lactose intolerant people face stomach problems after dairy intake. Make sure you get a medical consultation if your body reacts negatively after consuming dairy products.

If you’re diagnosed with lactose intolerance, then avoid eating dairy products to prevent constipation.

If your constipation persists even after trying natural remedies, you must seek medical consultation from a reliable doctor. Contact FastDocNow for online prescriptions for constipation and online healthcare services around the clock.

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