Reasons You Should Opt for At-home Lab Testing Services

Reasons You Should Opt for At-home Lab Testing Services

A healthcare innovation that would be easy to put into practice and could positively affect your lifestyle would be at-home lab testing services. With family and work consuming most of our time, we only have so much time for ourselves. The pressures of working from home have taken a toll on our health, while physical fitness and medical check-ups have taken a backseat.

In today’s world, everything is available online and can be home-delivered.The healthcare industry has also revolutionized itself and introduced online lab-testing services. At-home lab testing includes online healthcare services like anemia panel, lipid cholesterol, diabetes, and hepatitis panel. Let us go through the list of benefits that FASTDOCNOW has compiled for at-home lab testing services.

No Waiting

With at-home lab testing, patients need not wait hours for their turn at hospitals and private clinics. The lab tests can be conducted from the comfort of the patient’s home.

At Your Convenience

A picture of an Ambulance

It is a hassle-free process where you do not have to check your calendar to fix an appointment. You can opt for FASTDOCNOW to provide you with an online lab-testing service when you get free or have some time available to yourself. There’s a lot of flexibility, so choose a time as per your convenience and availability.


With at-home lab testing service, fear of clinic hygiene is no longer an issue. Even though the fear of getting infected does not go away completely, home lab tests somewhat reduce your fear of unwarranted infections. The technicians bring the needles and other test equipment for lab tests at home, ensuring that they are sterile and safer than those available in hospitals.

Professionals In The Industry
Portals like FASTDOCNOW are offering at-home lab testing with the best professionals in the healthcare field. These portals take the knowledge and expertise of healthcare professionals into account. This new age of online portals combined with handling patient records in real-time makes the whole process of home tests safer and more reliable. With at-home lab testing, the healthcare nursing and other professional staff are extremely careful regarding apparatus handling.

Easy and efficient
At-home lab tests are more accessible since they are taken from the comfort of your home. There are no extra transportation charges as lab tests are bought home. We always try to put our tests when we think about the rush hours and other pending work. With you being lazier than usual, home lab tests seem like a better option. Here waiting time is almost negligible as you are the only one getting tested in your home.

FASTDOCNOW is an online healthcare service with a vast portfolio of experienced and professional doctors with various specialties on our panel. Apart from at-home lab testing services, we also provide online consultations, imaging, and medicine refill services.

Contact us now to learn more about lab testing and how we can help.

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