Six Effective Ways to Fight Obesity

Six Effective Ways to Fight Obesity

Obesity is a prevalent health issue affecting over 90 million adults in the United States.

It is defined as having a high body fat percentage; a body mass index of 30 or higher indicates obesity.

Despite the alarmingly higher rate of obesity, there are plenty of ways to prevent it. Let’s get to know some.

Increase Water Intake 

Water is the ultimate weapon whether you want clearer-looking skin, improve your health, or lose that extra fat. Drinking water helps in boosting metabolism and helps burn more calories.


A healthy diet and exercise do wonders in decreasing the risk of obesity and combating it if you are already obese or overweight.

Exercises such as walking, hiking, or more vigorous ones like running, swimming, and cycling will increase your energy and muscle weight, helping you burn more fat.

A woman doing exercise with an instructor

Limiting Unhealthy Foods

You are what you eat. Consuming processed foods or items high in fat, salt, or sugar leads to a higher risk of obesity and encourages overeating.

Avoid junk and tweak your diet to ensure that you have more whole foods, fresh fruits, juices, and vegetables.

Sleep Is Vital 

Sleeplessness can lead to obesity in a million ways. It disrupts the balance of hormones that control appetite, so people who have difficulty sleeping may be hungrier than usual.

woman sleeping on her bed

Chew Slowly 

It might surprise you, but chewing at a slow pace will make you enjoy your meal more and also help you lose weight.

It reduces calorie intake and increases the growth of hormones that help lose weight.  

Never Skip Meal 

If you want to fight obesity the healthy way, skipping a meal is not allowed.

The secret is to eat less but more often. Five to six healthy yet short meals are way better than having two large ones.

Want to Lose Weight? We Can Help!

Weight loss is not a race but a journey. Even though changing your diet is difficult, you can lose those extra pounds and live a healthy life if you stay determined.

Eating clean is essential; if you want to lose weight. That, combined with some exercise, will help reduce the risk of obesity.

If you are willing to shed those extra pounds, start living a healthy life by consulting our online doctors from the comfort of your home.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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