More than 42% of people in the US have gone through symptoms of mental disorders like anxiety and depression during the pandemic.

Keeping in mind the alarming situation of the increasing death rate, the government enforced strict lockdowns on markets, schools, offices, restaurants, and cafes. Although people were forced to quarantine for their safety, it brought about and even exacerbated serious mental health issues.

However, the severity of mental health issues varies from person to person. Besides doctor visits and virtual medical consultations, a medical prescription is allotted to patients depending on their mental condition.

Variations in Mental Health Condition

Effect On Children

Loneliness followed by quarantine has been a leading cause of impaired mental health of children and young people.

The shutting down of daycare centers, parks and extracurricular activities has taken a toll on the emotional well-being of children. Keeping them caged in a four-walled house and restricting all their social activities such as playing with friends or visiting them at their homes has made them more stubborn and frustrated.

Being isolated has made children depressed as they get bored more frequently with no way out.

Effect On Adults

One of the most severe outcomes of the lockdown is an increase in doctor visits due to anxiety and depression symptoms found in adults.

The symptoms are more apparent in extroverts who find it challenging to stay at home for longer periods but now are forced to shut themselves in.

Not being able to invest their energy somewhere else has compelled them to overthink which led to depression.

During such times, reaching out to virtual doctors has helped many people get the professional help they need. Online healthcare providers not only offer virtual medical consultations, but also provide online prescriptions.

The banning of social gatherings and public meetings has shifted the world’s paradigm towards working online.

Although work from home seems more convenient, it’s not easy to handle, especially for older workers whose understanding of and ability to use advanced technology and its operations is lacking.

A student taking guidance from her mother for online schooling

Effect On Students

Among all the restrictions followed by Covid-19, shutting down schools has had some of the most severe outcomes. This has led to stressful situations for unprivileged students because their living conditions don’t allow them to adapt to virtual schooling systems.

Students have faced great difficulties understanding subjects, especially numerical that can’t be explained online.

The lack of understanding and pressure from parents resulted in poor grades. The increased stress and pressure of studies laid on them has negatively impacted their mental health.

Due to the rise in doctor visits, healthcare specialists are overburdened and can’t facilitate patients around the clock. However, you can get reliable virtual medical consultations from FastDocNow.

Contact us at any hour to get your prescriptions refilled online.



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