What Is Telemedicine? How Does Telemedicine Work?

What Is Telemedicine? How Does Telemedicine Work?

Technology has changed medical care in many ways. You and your medical providers can now use technology to improve your health. With just a click, you can get supplements delivered to your doorstep. However, you still need to visit your doctor in person to get primary and secondary healthcare. But that’s not the case anymore.

As communication technology advances, your options for healthcare are also expanding. Telemedicine and telehealth are massive innovations changing how you access healthcare forever.

That’s why in this blog post, we’re going to discuss everything you need to know about telemedicine.

What Is Telemedicine?

To make it simple, telemedicine involves all the ways you can communicate with your healthcare providers remotely by using technology. So, you can discuss symptoms, medical issues, and more with your medical provider using phone calls, video conferencing, and even text messages.

It’s the best alternative to in-person visits for older and immunocompromised patients. Telemedicine also proved beneficial during the pandemic to contain the spread of the disease and keep medical staff safe.

Types Of Telemedicine

There are three basic methods of conducting telemedicine services that you can utilize.

1. Interactive Medicine

These are also referred to as ‘live medicine’ services. Interactive medicine is the most common type of telemedicine. It involves the patient communicating with their healthcare provider in real-time. This method is mostly conducted in a patient’s house or a nursing home via a video-conferencing system—It is the most convenient method of accessing telemedicine for patients.

2. Remote Patient Monitoring

This method that’s sometimes shortened to RPM, uses the latest technology to gather patients’ data outside of traditional healthcare settings. This data includes things like blood pressure, blood sugar levels, etc. This makes it different from interactive medicine that’s more to help patients communicate easily. So, healthcare providers can monitor patients remotely by using mobile medical equipment.

Store And Forward

This telecommunications technique allows the healthcare providers to send information to an intermediate station where it is stored to be sent at a later time.

How Telemedicine Works

The driving force behind the expansion and growth of telemedicine is providing easier access to healthcare. It can refer to a variety of solutions, ranging from simple video conference tools to complex diagnostic systems.

Video Conferencing or Virtual Appointments

Some doctors prefer appointments through phone calls, but video conferencing is more common. These virtual consultations usually happen via video conferencing software or a platform.

You can have virtual appointments with specialists, primary care providers, and behavioral health professionals. You can also use video conference to access urgent care clinics.

a doctor

Patient Portal

A patient portal enables you to easily communicate with your doctor through multiple methods. This option also allows you to get prescription refills easily. The portal allows you to set appointments and communicate directly with your healthcare provider over a secure channel.

Online healthcare services are a convenient method that ensure complete confidentiality of patients’ medical information.

If you need a virtual medical appointment, then try FastDocNow.

We’re a top-quality online medical care center that offers virtual medical consultation, at-home lab tests service, and online prescription services

So, contact FastDocNow or make an account for a virtual medical appointment today.

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