How to Deal with STIs

How to Deal with STIs

Sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, are critical issues with permanent negative effects on your health. Though some STIs are benign, many can lead to severe complications without timely treatment. Additionally, you’re likely to spread the disease to others without proper treatment.

Many effective treatments are available to deal with STIs, especially in the early stages.  In this blog, we’ll discuss how online healthcare services can help you deal with STIs. Keep scrolling to find out more.

What Are STIs?

STIs are different from STDs, even if they’re interchangeable. STIs are an infection, whether viral, fungal, bacterial, etc. These infections can worsen over time and turn into a disease. In comparison, STDs are medical diseases with clear signs and symptoms.

STIs are transmitted through sexual contact. However, this isn’t always the case, as some can spread through skin contact or by sharing needles or razors. Here are some more common STIs:

1. Chlamydia

2. Genital warts

3. Gonorrhea

4. HIV

5. Herpes

6. Pubic lice

7. Syphilis

8. Trichomoniasis

There are about 26 million new cases of STDs in the USA yearly, even though most cases go undiagnosed or unreported.

What Should You Do If You Think You Have An STI?

First, you must get regular STI checkups regardless. It’s because people in long-term relationships and people who don’t engage in sexual activity can also contract STIs without realizing it.

Secondly, most people with STIs don’t show symptoms, so you shouldn’t wait for symptoms and get yourself examined immediately. However, here are some symptoms that are a sure sign you might have an STI:

1. Bleeding during or after sex from the vagina

2. Pain during urination

3. Pain in the testicles

4. Foul-smelling yellow or green discharge in women

5. Pain or burning in the genital area

6. blisters, sores, spots, or lumps around the genital area

STI Treatments

We’ve already discussed that you shouldn’t wait for symptoms before seeking medical help. Instead, get medical help immediately if you think you might’ve been exposed to an STI. Your medical practitioner will test for the STI to confirm before creating a treatment plan according to your condition.

Your healthcare provider will probably prescribe an antibiotic treatment, especially for bacterial infection. However, some STIs can also grow immunity to commonly-prescribed antibiotics.

It’s important you get proper treatment early on and complete the treatment so that the infection goes away. If you stop treatment in the middle, you’ll risk the infection becoming harder to treat.


a person feeling pain while in bed

Contact our medical experts at FastDocNow, if you want to schedule a virtual medical consultation for STDs.

At FastDocNow, we offer top-quality online healthcare services for several medical issues ranging from heart disease to STDs. We provide reliable and confidential STD treatments for chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.

Contact us now to find out more.


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