Essential Facts About STDs That Everyone Should Know

Essential Facts About STDs That Everyone Should Know

STD Awareness Month is right around the corner. That’s why it’s vital we take the opportunity to highlight the largely ignored impact sexually transmitted diseases have on the US population.

According to the CDC, more than twenty million cases of STDs are reported each year in the US. Additionally, more than half of these cases are of teenagers and young adults between the ages of 15 and 24.

However, most of the cases in the United States get ignored, so these numbers represent only a fraction of the actual cases.

That’s why we’re listing essential facts that you should know about STDs and their treatment.

1. STDs Cost America a Lot

Did you know that the actual cost of treating and diagnosing STDs in the United States adds up to more than sixty billion dollars? This number is alarming, especially because most cases of STDs don’t even get reported.

2. You Can Transmit More Than Twenty Diseases Sexually

This might seem false, but it’s actually true. Most people don’t even realize the plethora of diseases they’re being exposed to when they forgo protection.

There are many different types of STDs ranging from bacterial, viral, and even parasitic. Patients can transfer them via fluids or even skin-to-skin contact.

Some of the more common diseases include

1. Bacterial Vaginosis

2. Chlamydia

3. Genital herpes

4. Gonorrhea

5. Hepatitis B

6. HIV

7. HPV

8. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

9. Pubic lice

10. Syphilis

3. High School Students Are at Risk for HIV

Around 38.4% of high schoolers have had intercourse and are potentially at risk for contracting the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and other STDs.

4. More Adults Are Getting STDs

On the opposite end of the spectrum, many older adults are getting new sexual partners, which increases the risk for STDs.

5. Having an STD Puts You at Higher Risk for Getting HIV

People are more likely to contract HIV if they’ve already had an STD in comparison to someone who is completely STD-free. That’s because the circumstances that put people at risk of getting an STD can also put them at a greater risk of getting HIV. Moreover, HIV is more likely to find easier access into a patient’s body if they have a break or sore in the skin.

That’s why it’s important to get regularly tested for STDs and HIV if you’re sexually active even if you don’t have symptoms.

6. Your Partner Is at Greater Risk for HIV If You Have HIV and Then Get STD

If you have HIV already and then you get an STD, you can put your HIV-negative partner at great risk for HIV. However, you can get on antiretroviral therapy to reduce the amount of the virus you have. This and less risky activities can help you prevent transferring the virus.

 worried man

If you want to learn more about STDs, visit FastDocNow.

We are a leading online medical care and medication management service that offers online consultation services and healthcare for STIs. We deal with many STI cases like Chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.

Contact us now for online consultation.

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