Important Reasons You Need to Get Tested for STDs

Important Reasons You Need to Get Tested for STDs

STDs are something everyone needs to get tested for regularly. That’s because STDs don’t only affect people who have penetrative sex. In fact, individuals that take part in oral sex can also contract STD.

Every year, there are approximately 20 million new cases of STDs in the United States. Moreover, there were at least 2.5 million cases of reported chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis in 2019.

That’s whywe’ve rounded up some reasons why you need to get tested for STDs regularly.

Even Virgins Can Contract STDs

Many people think they can’t contract STDs just because they haven’t engaged in sexual activity. People also tend to believe that their virgin partners can’t have a transmissible disease. However, this is false. You can get an STD because many are simply spread through skin-to-skin contact.

Sexually transmissible diseases, like oral herpes, can be spread through oral sex and skin contact. In fact, a significant number of people first contract cold sores from their relatives during childhood. These cold sores can then be transferred. Other diseases like syphilis, cancer-causing HPV varieties, and the HPV varieties that cause genital warts are transferrable through skin contact.

Screening Builds Trust in Relationships

People in monogamous committed relationships often don’t get screened for STDs. However, it’s important to discuss their sexual history and get tested before starting a relationship with a new partner.

Many carriers have no idea they have STDs, as many people with chlamydia are asymptomatic. This can cause problems once the symptoms show or when a partner tries getting pregnant and finds out they’re infected.

Getting tested before you start a relationship prevents any misunderstandings or complications in the future.

STDs Impact Pregnancy

Being screened regularly is especially important for people who are trying to get pregnant or want to be in the future. That’s because the pregnancy is at risk if they are affecting by an STD.

STDs like chlamydia risk chances of miscarriage, premature birth, and stillbirth. Untreated chlamydia can even develop into pelvic inflammatory syndrome or salpingitis. This can result in ectopic pregnancy.

Moreover, STDs can be passed to the baby before birth or gonorrhea during delivery. It’s dangerous because herpes and syphilis can be fatal for newborns.

Helps Prevent Future Serious Health Issues

One major reason to screen for STDs regularly is that earlier stages of many STDs are treatable. You can even eradicate STIs with the help of antibiotics.

You might not even have symptoms for years. But when symptoms develop, they can be threatening. For example, HPV can result in genital warts or cancer.

a worried manSTDs can cause a lot of complexities if left untreated. If you want to know more about STDs, contact FastDocNow.

FastDocNow is one of the best online medical care centers offering top-notch virtual medical consultation services on several medical issues. These include many STDs like Chlamydia, gonorrhea treatment, etc.

Contact them now to know more.

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