Men’s Health Conditions You Should Know About

Men’s Health Conditions You Should Know About

Men get illnesses that can affect anyone, such as heart conditions, kidney troubles, breathing disorders, etc. However, some health conditions are unique to men only. These conditions often go ignored and can result in more problems for you. The first step to dealing with these health conditions is to learn more about them.

Once you’ve understood what possible conditions you may have, you can move on to getting treatment for them. Are you interested in learning about some common men’s health conditions? Keep reading to get a brief overview of the significant ones.

1. Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are common for men and women but manifest differently. Some of the most prominent STDs are as follows:


Gonorrhea can cause sharp pain in the tubes connected to the testicles. If left untreated, it can even spread to the joints and enter the bloodstream. In some rare cases, gonorrhea has also been shown to lead to sterility.

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes mostly presents as isolated or clustered of sores on the penis or the anus. The symptoms resolve in a few weeks, but without proper treatment, they may return after some time. In some men, genital herpes is asymptomatic or has mild symptoms that often go unnoticed.

Unwrapped condom against yellow background.


Chlamydia symptoms present themselves 1-3 weeks after you come in sexual contact with an infected person. It can cause fever, a burning sensation while urinating, and cloudy discharge from the penis. If left untreated, chlamydia can significantly increase your chances of getting HIV.


Trichomoniasis, also called trich, causes irritation and itching inside the penis. It can also cause a severe burning sensation while urinating or ejaculating. It’s caused by a parasite that affects the urethra and, in some cases, infects the penis and the prostate.

2. Sexual Dysfunction

Sexual dysfunction can lead to a lot of other problems, such as relationship troubles, lower self-esteem, and poor mental health. In men, sexual dysfunction typically presents itself as premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is when the man orgasms and releases semen earlier than they or their partner would like. It can be caused due to physical stress, mental health conditions, and hormonal imbalance.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is when a man has a hard time getting an erection or maintaining it. Globally, as many as 30 million men are affected by it. It can be caused by cigarette smoking, heart problems, obesity, and diabetes.

At FastDocNow, we have a panel of certified healthcare professionals who can provide prompt virtual appointments for many men’s health conditions. They’re adept at treating a wide range of conditions, including premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and STDs for patients in Miami, New York, Dallas, Atlanta, and other major cities.

You can easily book an online consultation session with our qualified healthcare professionals by visiting our website. Our comprehensive telemedicine services include online prescription refills, in-home lab testing, mobile imaging, and more.

Contact us now to learn about our telemedicine services, and get started today!


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