Most Common Chronic Diseases You Should Know About

Most Common Chronic Diseases You Should Know About

No matter how health-conscious you are, your body’s immunity tends to decline with age, and you become prone to various diseases. Depending on a person’s genetics, age, and gender, the types of diseases they contract may differ. Most of these diseases could be chronic, which means that it lasts a year or more and requires constant medical attention.

Let’s look at some of the most common chronic diseases.

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s is a type of dementia that causes memory loss and deteriorates a person’s problem-solving and thinking abilities. As it gets worse, a person may find it challenging to store any new information in their memory, and performing daily activities could be a serious challenge.

The major risk factor associated with Alzheimer’s is one’s age, genetics, and family history. However, incorporating a few lifestyle changes can prevent or slow the onset of this chronic condition:

  • Exercise: regularly exercising keeps your body as well as your brain healthy and active
  • Sleep: your brain makes new neural pathways when you’re asleep, so it’s recommended to get a minimum of seven hours of sleep every night
  • Eat a healthy diet: eating a healthy diet can also make your brain stronger and prevent related diseases


Depression is another common chronic condition very common among the adult population. It causes constant feelings of hopelessness, sadness, pessimism, and fatigue and can also lead to physiological symptoms like lack of appetite and weight loss.

a patient lying on a bed

CKD (chronic kidney disease)

As people age, they may notice a decline in performance in their vital organs, including their kidneys. CKD is common among the older population and is linked with a risk of developing health diseases or kidney failure. However, early detection could help prevent this chronic disease.


Diabetes occurs when a person’s body can’t produce sufficient insulin. Your body needs insulin to get the required energy from your daily food intake. When your insulin production is restricted, your blood sugar level may rise, which can further lead to other serious complications like kidney diseases, blindness, or heart diseases.

If you or someone you know is dealing with a chronic disease, get in touch with a professional doctor for chronic care and expert consultation. At FastDocNow, we offer online medical services and online lab testing services for people who want to avoid the hassle of visiting a crowded clinic for every medical consultation.

We also offer online prescription refills, in-home lab testing, and more. Contact us today to learn more about our virtual health services.