Most Common STDs You Should Know About

Most Common STDs You Should Know About

In 2021, it was reported that more than 2000 children were born with the STD known as syphilis contracting the disease from their mothers. Apart from affecting the lives of a newborn, untreated STDs can cause infertility and long-term illnesses.

To avoid contracting STDs, we must learn more about them and take necessary precautions. Let’s look at some of the most common STDs out there.

HPV or human papillomavirus

In recent years, public awareness about HPV has increased largely because of the availability of its vaccine.

The HPV vaccine has been normalized for children 11 years and older. HPV causes flesh-colored or pink bumps that can lead to discomfort and may lead to bleeding. In worst cases, this virus can also cause cancer in the throat, mouth, happiness, or cervix. HPV vaccination can significantly help reduce the risk of contracting this disease from your sexual partners.

a silhouette of a hugging couple


Not only is this the costliest STD, but it’s also one of the most contagious ones. A study estimated that suppressive therapy for herpes can cost around $2500 annually.

Herpes has 2 viral strains: HSV-1 and HSV-2. Both variants are sexually transmitted and can cause genital herpes. Other types of herpes include oral herpes, which can appear as fever blisters or cold sores. Herpes can also affect newborns, just like syphilis.


Syphilis may spread with direct skin contact with a sore called a chancre. The infection begins with a painless sore around the affected area which may include your mouth, anus, vagina, or penis. If the STD is not treated in its earlier stages, it can damage your liver, joints, skin, bones, blood vessels, and heart.


The gonorrhea bacteria thrive in moist and warm areas, including the vagina, throat, eyes, urethra, female genitalia, and anus. The common signs of this STD include genital discharge and burning sensations in urine. It can also lead to infertility in women if left untreated.

If you have any symptoms of these common STDs, immediately consult your physician. Our experts at FastDocNow offer virtual appointments for men’s and women’s health conditions including STDs.

We also offer a wide range of other virtual healthcare services, including diabetes and obesity. You can simply book an online consultation session with our professionals by visiting our website.

Our telemedicine services also include in-home lab testing, mobile imaging, online prescription refills, and much more. Contact us today to learn more about our telemedicine services.

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