Things to Know About Bacterial Vaginosis

Things to Know About Bacterial Vaginosis

Did you know that the vagina contains many varying kinds of bacteria? Our bodies usually work hard to maintain the balance between these different strains of bacteria. However, sometimes this intricate balance gets disrupted, sending the bad bacteria go out of control.

This results in a common medical condition called bacterial vaginosis. Though it’s pretty common, it can also lead to many complications if left unchecked.

In this blog, we’ve rounded up everything you should know before you get a virtual consultation.

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What Is Bacterial Vaginosis?

It’s a type of inflammation that occurs in the vagina due to the overproduction of bacteria. That’s because bacterial growth disrupts the natural balance and leads to inflammation. You can tell you have bacterial vaginosis if you feel itchiness, see unusual discharge, or have a different odor down there.

This condition mostly impacts women in their reproductive years, especially between the ages of 15-44 years.

Symptoms Of Bacterial Vaginosis

Unfortunately, around fifty to nearly seventy-five percent of people with vaginas don’t show any symptoms. However, the most common symptom of BV is the changes in vaginal discharge.

Other symptoms include:

1. Burning sensation during urination

2. Differently colored vaginal discharge (white, gray, or even green)

3. Itchiness or burning sensation in the vaginal area

4. Foul-smelling discharge often described as “fishy”

5. Discharge with thin, watery consistency.

Causes And Risk Factors

We’ve already established that bacterial vaginosis occurs due to the overgrowth of bacteria in the vagina. That happens because usually there are more good bacteria, or lactobacilli, found in the vagina. However, sometimes the bad bacteria, or anaerobic bacteria, outnumber them. This disrupts the natural balance in our vagina and results in bacterial vaginosis.

But who is more at risk for developing the condition? Here are some risk factors for BV:

1. Having multiple sex partners

2. Having a new sex partner

3. Douching or frequent use of vaginal washes

4. Lack of barrier methods or protection during sex

5. Being pregnant

6. Natural deficiency of lactobacilli bacteria

Complications of Bacterial Vaginosis

Though bacterial vaginosis isn’t harmful, it increases the risk of developing other health issues.

These issues include:

1. General Sexual Health Issues

If you don’t get a proper treatment or if it doesn’t clear up on its own, you’re probably at risk of developing an STI. These include, herpes, HPV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and even HIV. In addition, it also increases your risk of developing the pelvic inflammatory disease.

2. Complications In Pregnancy

a. Preterm or early delivery

b. Loss of pregnancy

c. Postpartum endometritis

d. Amniotic sac breaking early

e. Chorioamnionitis

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If you want to schedule a virtual consultation for STDs, visit our website now.

At FastDocNow, we take pride in being a leading online medical care and medication management service for STIs and STDs. You can get consultation and medical help for STIs like Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and more.

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