Things You Should Know About Trichomoniasis

Things You Should Know About Trichomoniasis

Many people don’t know that they have trichomoniasis. That’s because most people who have contracted trichomoniasis don’t show any symptoms. However, women who get infected are more likely to show symptoms than men.

However, trichomoniasis can lead to serious complications.  It can affect pregnancy and might even increase the risk of getting and passing on HIV.

But what is trichomoniasis, and what do you need to know about it? Read this blog post if you want to know more about trichomoniasis.

What Is Trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis, or trich, is a common non-viral sexually transmitted infection that’s also curable. It’s caused by a parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis, and it’s transmitted via sexual interaction, whether oral, vaginal, or anal.

Trichomoniasis affects approximately 3.7 million people and is one of the most common STIs in the United States. It can be easily cured if a person seeks treatment. However, many people don’t develop symptoms of trichomoniasis, leading to delayed treatment.

Unfortunately, trichomoniasis is also contagious, which means you can infect your partner through sexual contact unknowingly.

Who’s at Risk?

It affects all genders, but women have more chances of contracting trichomoniasis. Other than that, people who have more sexual partners and people who don’t use protection are also more likely to contract it.

Symptoms Of Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis spreads easily because it shows little to no symptoms. However, if the symptoms are present, they can appear anywhere between a week to a month after exposure.

The symptoms present differently in women and men.

Women may experience smelly vaginal discharge that’s frothy—It can be clear, gray, yellow, white, or green. There can also be blood in the discharge. You can also experience irritation, discomfort during sex or urination, frequent urination, and swelling in the groin region. In some rare cases, the person may also complaint of abdominal pain.

In comparison, men might experience discharge from the urethra of the penis. You may also experience itching and burning, especially after urination or ejaculation. It’s also common to have a frequent urge to urinate.

What Complications Result from Trichomoniasis?

There are several serious complications associated with trichomoniasis.

HIV Infection

If you have trichomoniasis, you’re more likely to contract HIV. This is especially true for women. You’re also more likely to spread HIV to your partners if you have it. That’s because the inflammatory process of the infection makes the blood and skin vessels more fragile. This allows microorganisms to transmit from the skin of the vagina easily.

Pregnancy Complications

Trichomoniasis is linked to complications in pregnancy. This includes pre-term birth and early rupture of the membrane. The infected individual can also transmit the infection to the baby through the vaginal canal during delivery.

 a worried man


Though rare, there’s also a chance of complication in the prostate because of trichomoniasis.

Need to learn more about trichomoniasis? Then visit FastDocNow.

FastDocNow is an expert online medication management service to help you get medical treatment and virtual medical consultation services. You can contact us for top-class trichomoniasis treatment as well as chlamydia or gonorrhea treatment.

Contact them now for online consultation.

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