Insomnia is one of the most prevalent health conditions in the United States, affecting between 50 to 70 million people in the country. An estimated 25% of Americans experience acute insomnia that impacts their daytime lives, which increases their risk of various accidents. Drowsy driving accounts for over 40,000 non-fatal car accidents and more than 1,500 fatal accidents in the United States annually.

There are many causes of insomnia, such as stress, various medical conditions, changes in sleep habits, certain medications, and changes in routine life. Insomnia can also be chronic or short-term, depending on different people and the underlying causes.

Insomnia is usually treated through prescription medication, behavioral therapy and over the counter sleep aids. However, going to the doctor is not always a viable option for people, especially during the pandemic.

Here are some tips to help you cope with your insomnia at home:

Manage Your Stress Levels

Too much fatigue and exhaustion due to stress can cause the mind to race and prevents people from falling asleep on time. The majority of adults in the country are stressed either due to financial concerns, political and economic instability, or various other external factors. This can hinder their ability to sleep and can result in insomnia. Managing stress better through mindfulness meditation, being more organized, and trying to think of positive things before going to bed can help promote relaxation and make it easier to fall asleep.

Massage And Exercise

Exercise can not only aid in weight loss and boost your overall health, but it can also enhance your mood and promote better sleep. People who exercise regularly experience reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress and have less risk of insomnia.

Massage therapy is also a great way to combat poor quality of sleep and has various benefits such as reduced feelings of pain, stress, and anxiety.

Use Plenty Of Lavender

Studies show that using lavender oil can help promote better sleep quality and promote feelings of relaxation. People who take lavender oil capsules show lower levels of anxiety, which allows them to enjoy better sleep quality. You can also use lavender essential oil in a diffuser or spray it on your pillow before bed to encourage your brain to relax and fall asleep quicker.

Virtual Healthcare Consultations

If you feel like your insomnia has become a chronic condition and nothing you do seems to help, it might be time to visit your doctor. However, if you are afraid of the risk of viral infection and coming into contact with other people, you can always opt for virtual healthcare consultation from FastDocNow.

Our platform allows you to book consultations with leading healthcare providers and discuss your condition to get a proper diagnosis and treatment for your medical issue.

Find out more about our services such as online medical care, prescriptions refills, online lab testing and more or book your virtual consultation today!

Disclaimer: The content and information provided in this blog and any linked material on this website are not intended as or should not be construed as professional medical advice, treatment, or diagnosis. Always seek the advice of qualified healthcare providers or your physician for any questions and concerns regarding specific medical conditions or before making a decision regarding your personal healthcare.

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